The Action “Reinforcing the Establishment and Operation of new Small and Medium-sized Tourism Enterprises” was pre-published, which is about the Reinforcement of tourism entrepreneurship through the creation of new very small, small and medium-sized enterprises in selected Business Activity Codes (KAD) of tourism.
Budget: 160.000.000,00 €
Eligible Businesses:
Classification in category 4**** (four stars) and above, capacity Twelve (12) beds or more.
Organized tourist camps (camping), classification in category 3*** (three stars) and above.
Non-primary hotel accommodations
Self-catering accommodations – tourist furnished residences, minimum number of residences: Three (3).
Furnished rooms for rent – apartments
Classification in category 4 keys and above, minimum capacity Twelve (12) beds.
All the participation conditions will be defined in the Action’s Detailed Invitation.
Investment Plans and Subsidy Rates
The subsidized budget of each investment plan ranges from 80.000,00 € to 400.000,00 €.
The grant will amount up to a percentage of 60% of the submitted costs.
The duration of the implementation of the physical and financial object of the investment plan is strictly defined at 24 months, not accepting any extension.
Submission and Evaluation of Funding Applications
Funding applications will only be submitted electronically, without the presentation of a physical file of supporting documents, through the Integrated State Aid Management Information System.
The deadline and the method of submission, the required supporting documents, the obligations of the beneficiaries as well as the other conditions of implementation will be described in the Detailed Action’s Invitation.
To evaluate the Action, the Comparative Evaluation will be applied.
A grade of 60 is defined as the minimum acceptable total score for the approval of an investment plan.