Strategic Investments

Investment Support for joining Fast Track with Revival’s guarantee!

Strategic investments that pertain to the so-called “fast track” regime or “Acceleration and Transparency of Implementation of Strategic Investments”, as is the official name of fast track, according to Law 3894/2010 in force, are investments that offer significant benefits to National and local economy and society. Fast Track eliminates important factors that hinder large investments in the country. Examples include bureaucracy, opacity, and a complex legal framework. These investments are catalytic in the effort to restart the economic development and the nation’s exit from the financial crisis, in a sustainable and socially just way. The Law 3894/2010 simplifies the licensing procedure for strategic investments and offers a series of benefits to investments of an economic size and importance for the Greek economy.

In summary, these advantages are the following:

  • Acceleration of licensing procedures with the obligation to issue permits and opinions of services, within 45 days, with the exemption of environmental licensing, for which no time derogation applies except the right of absolute priority over other requests
  • Possibility of creating a Special Spatial Development Plan for Strategic Investments (SSDPSI), according to which a single spatial decree is created with specific terms and conditions
  • Approval of the development plan by the seven-member Interministerial Committee and additional issuance of a Presidential Decree for the entire SSDPSI (ΕΣΧΑΣΕ), in order to ensure, as far as possible, the suffering from appeals against the investment
  • Possibility of land use change and generally justified deviations from the existing spatial and urban planning legislation
  • Possibility of a concession request regarding the seashore and beach use
  • Possibility of creation with coastline embankments
  • Offering the possibility of building a holiday residence
  • Possibility of providing conditions for the promotion and protection of archaeological finds in a reasonable time, for the purpose of not impeding the investment implementation
  • Reasoned expropriation of land areas
  • Possibility to request tax incentives for the investment

Revival is a strong supporter of Fast Track investments. The long-term experience of our specialized advisors offers a legal certainty to investors and eliminates the many areas of competence that lead to long delays.

Our company is involved in the preparation of business plans for the inclusion of the investment in the status of strategic investments (fast track), simplifying and making the procedure more attractive. It handles with a fully organized manner all the necessary steps and coordinates the licensing procedure in a distinctive way, achieving the smooth transition to the new state.

Trust the handling of your Fast Track inclusion to Revival and reap the benefits of the holistic approach and security we offer!

Why us?

Driven by our technology and people, we work to provide you with fast and reliable solutions with a holistic and personalized approach at the core.

With Revival’s specialized services:

  1. Reduce operating costs and capital expenditures
  2. You focus on the activities that are important to your business
  3. Respond faster to the challenges of the modern age
  4. You get easier access to resources, technology and skills
  5. Increase your business performance
Tourism projects
Trade and Services Projects
Processing Projects

What benefits you get with Revival's specialised services

  • Reduce operating costs and capital expenditures
  • You focus on the activities that are important to your business
  • Respond faster to the challenges of the modern age
  • You get easier access to resources, technology and skills
  • Increase your business performance

Schedule an appointment

Schedule an appointment with the relevant specialist Consultant today.

Trust Revival’s experienced staff to provide high-level consulting services on issues related to your business. If you want to solve an issue or further develop your business, make an appointment with us and our representatives will develop the ways to achieve it.

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